2022 Cyber Monday Ecommerce Checklist

2022 Cyber Monday Ecommerce Checklist

Cyber Monday comes on the following Monday after thanksgiving and its festival time. It is one of the best times to have special deals and sales for your e-commerce brand. Consumers are already in a shopping mood with Black Friday and Thanksgiving so it is not difficult to gain their attention. Use this exclusive time to promote your brand and boost your conversion.

There are some helpful tips to prepare for the big sale.

1. Audit Your Inventory

It is a crucial time for your brand so, recheck and audit your inventory multiple times to ensure that you have enough products to sell while the sale is ongoing. You do not want to run out of products and lose potential buyers.

2. Use Promotional Emails

Use automated promotional emails with attractive advertisements to attract customers. Promotional emails help e-commerce businesses to connect with customers directly and the customers also get to know the featured products of your brand beforehand as a reminder. Automatize the emails to save time in preparing for the sale.

3. Decorate Your Homepage

Your website’s homepage is the face of your brand. It represents your business so do not forget to get the most out of your homepage. Decorate the page with featured sales, offers, and gift cards. Make sure the traffic of the website is good enough for the rush period. Test and optimize the connectivity speed, also check the shipping and return policies beforehand to avoid any uncomfortable experience for the consumers.

4. Plan Ahead

You definitely need to plan ahead for big sales. Post sneak peeks weeks ahead for your exclusive products through social media to get your potential customers to get hooked on your brand. Create shareable ads for social media and build suspense around your upcoming sales that will make your buyers curious about the product and they will eventually check out your website. Try to create a mobile-friendly website for your brand beforehand.

5. Connect Through Live Chat

Connect with your customers through social media in real-time. Address their queries and suggestions through voice chat or text chat so that they can get a good impression of your brand.

6. Feature Customer Review

Showcase favorable customer reviews of your products along with product descriptions so that new buyers can get an idea of the quality of your products. Both positive and negative reviews are useful to build trust between a seller and buyer.

Product photography and attractive advertisements are the most important part to promote a sale for your brand. Use Blend to create amazing product images with 5000+ useful templates including all major events like Cyber Monday, and Black Friday.

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