How To Create A Good Product Catalog for Amazon
Everything you need to know in order to create a high-engagement product catalog on Amazon’s e-commerce marketplace.
Selling online? Here are the quick tips to use the right background
Don’t you feel great when an online order is made on your website or when a customer appreciates you? Blend helps you to remove and edit background with just on click which helps you increase sales.
Simple steps to remove background from the image
Removing backgrounds from images can now be an easy task when you have Blend app. Learn more about it in this blog.
Best background colour for product photography
Choosing the right background colour to stage your product makes your product stand out. Read more on how to do it.
Template Trending untuk Gambar Profil Anda
Tampil menonjol dari yang lain dengan menggunakan templat gambar profil berkualitas tinggi ini dari Blend.
Template Tren untuk Mobil
Tampil menonjol dari penjual lain hanya dengan menggunakan bingkai Mobil buatan Blend ini. Coba template ini dan tingkatkan penjualan Anda!.